Thursday, March 7, 2013

Swimming, Swimming

We've had swimming lessons at MVP for the last 5 weeks.  Today was the last one.  This is the second session that Adelyn has taken.  She LOVES to swim.  HATES getting her face wet.  She did quite a bit better this time around but we have a ways to go before we have a Olympic swimmer on our hands.

 Little Stinker.  She said it was "freeeeezing" today.
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Practicing kicking and using her arms.
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 William was so concerned that she was cold.  He tried to kiss her and she turned away.  I taught her well ;)  I can only hope she will marry that sweet boy someday.  The kids went over to William and Sawyer's yesterday, while we signed some papers, and William wanted to have Adelyn spend the night.  Sawyer kept asking for Joelle.  Sweet, sweet, boys.
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 Two (cold) cuties!
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