Thursday, March 7, 2013

Kalamazoo Air Zoo with Auntie

My sister is on Spring Break this week and she had called last week asking if we wanted to do something sometime.  I've been wanting to go to the Air Zoo but it is a bit of a ride (1 hour) and I wanted some other adult to go with me.  I had thought it might be for older kids but when I looked at the website B and J could ride all the rides except for 2 and Adelyn could ride all except for 1.  I called and they said they get lots of little visitors, so we headed on down.  I asked about bringing our own lunch and she said we would have to eat in the back building but that there was stuff to tour there too.  So we headed there first, ate and then went to the "ride building."

 Auntie and the bebe's in front of one of the HUGE planes. 
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Little B thought this was the coolest car ever.  He WANTED his picture taken in front of it.
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Sitting in a fighter pilot ejection seat.
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March2013 138  He was SOOOO excited to be by all the airplanes!  This one you could push a button and it talked to you.  It sounded like it was straight out of the fifties.  Loved it.
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Jojo was pretty excited too :)
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                     Auntie and B                                                                Auntie teaching Adelyn how to "fly"
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Twinkies flying the helicopter
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If the kids attention was waning I would say "Let's find a plane that Uncle Josh works on!"  This was one of many.
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The "ride building."  We, seriously, had the whole building to ourselves.  I think there were 2 other families there the same time we were.  Both at different times.  We had a little old man give us a brief tour and he left us at the kid zone. 

The Whirlybird
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Putting coins down the chute
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First trip to the Moon!
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Joelle was the first person over by this painted on the wall door.  She tried to open it and I started laughing.  Which drew attention to the fact that she was trying to open the "door."  B headed over and then Adelyn came.  How many people does it take to open a fake door, anyways?!
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Making your own space station out of magnets.
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 The had some die casts (I think that's what you would call them?) in the kids room and we all made one.  Auntie made the top pink one, Adelyn made the middle blue left, Joelle made the purple and orange, I made the bottom pink and B made the bottom blue.

Pretty ladies on Adelyn's favorite ride
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Auntie and B riding the planes
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Momma, Adelyn and Joelle.  We all crammed in one tiny plane.
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My handsome dude and I on the Ferris Wheel
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Auntie, Adelyn (behind the pillar) and Joelle riding the Ferris of Adelyn's favorites.
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Oh boy.  The Hot Air Balloon ride.  When we walked up to this one, I thought it was just like a Merry Go Round.  But with Hot Air Balloons.  Nope.  More like the Tea Cup ride.  With slightly less spinning.  The balloons went way up in the air and swayed back and forth.  To say the kids liked it, is a vast exaggeration.  Adelyn got off and said "I liked that ride (the airplane ride), not this ride.  This ride is scary."
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Adelyn refused to ride this one.  It was the paratrooper ride.  It took you up a little ways and then dropped you a bit, took you up and dropped you more, repeat.  Brecken and Joelle loved it.  Adelyn watched from the safety of the ground ;)
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The 3D/4D movie theater.  It was a 15 minute movie Disney made about some flies that go to the moon.  There were 4 minutes afterwards that were flashed from future to past.  Like dinosaur past.  Adelyn and Joelle HATED the 4D portion.  Granted it was pretty drastic.  The chairs didn't shake a little bit, they fell backwards quite a ways.  Many, many times.  Then Adelyn was traumatized about the dinosaurs.  Oh well.  They look cute with their glasses on.
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I'm pretty sure she's traumatized for life.   When we were talking about the Air Zoo at supper she kept saying "TB stop, TB stop" aka TV.  Poor girl.
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Against the world wall
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     Two cuties on a mission to Mars.                                                              Flying to the moon.
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You know we tired the kids out when they crash 10 minutes down the road.  Apparently we didn't tire B out enough (probably tired him out too much).  He cried the whole way home.
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 All in all it was a great trip.  Some things I wouldn't take my children chickens on, again, but there was plenty for us to do.  It would be a GREAT place to go for older kids.  They would love it.  It was sooo nice going when it wasn't chaotic.  More free reign for my kids ;)

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