Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter-Take 1

We went over to my Dad's side, to celebrate Easter, tonight.  We had ham, mashed potatoes, squash, I made green bean bundles (green beans wrapped in bacon, drizzled with a butter/brown sugar mixture), fruit, deviled eggs (which all 3 of my children LOVED.  Weirdos.), and my mom made zucchini cake and angel food cake with strawberries inside.  We had dinner, an Easter egg hunt, dessert and my mom tried to do a pixie dust in a jar idea she saw on Pinterest.  It went so well my cousin Nathan told my mom "I think you need to start getting your ideas from somewhere other than Pinterest."  Some days, I couldn't agree more.

Jojo hunting for pretzels and eggs.
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My, incredibly pretty, incredibly sassy, little Jojo.
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Papa helping Brecken get the toy hanging in the tree.
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Love them.
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Brecken hunting for pretzels and eggs
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Brecken and Joelle sharing eggs and pretzels.
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First shot.  Nice and sullen.

This was my second to last shot and my grandma said "how many did you take anyways?!" I said "10-15" She says "well surely there is one good picture."  She's right.  There was one.  This one.
That's better.  Nothing like "want a piece of candy?!" to get everyone's attention an a smile.

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