Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter::Take 2

We headed to my Aunt's house for Easter, on Easter.  They ate lunch at 2:00.  I knew that wasn't going to fly with the kids, since we were at both services, for church.  We let them nap and then headed out.  I think we got there around 4.  Just int time for the Easter egg hunt!

Such a sweet picture of Auntie helping Joelle.
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Uncle Ken and Papa helping little B
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Nana helping Adelyn getting an egg up in the tree.
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Poor baby spilled her jelly beans..                                      Pretty excited about the piece of chocolate;)
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B sniped all the candy off the vehicles ;)
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This was the last piece of candy we could find laying around..guess who made their way there first?!
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Brecken, Lily (on the floor) and Jojo
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After the Easter egg hunt I consumed a large piece of cherry pie, a piece of raspberry dessert and a small piece of mint brownie.  YUM.  I fed the kids some leftover ham...and passed on eating anything else;)

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