Friday, March 29, 2013

THE Doll Beds

My parents gave the girls the doll beds last night.  We had them sitting out and covered their eyes.  They opened them at the same time.  They were sooooo excited.  Joelle was excited for the TV ;)  Surprisingly B wasn't upset in the slightest.

Seeing the beds for the first time.

Checking out their beds
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Brecken makes do with what he has.
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Adelyn tucking her baby in.
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Joelle trying to get into bed with her baby ;)
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Little B found his own doll bed to play with ;)

A close up of both beds.
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Joelle's bed.  The mattress do have buttons running down it.
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A close up of  Adelyn's bed.
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So glad we finally got the beds all done.  My dad built the beds, my grandma sewed all the bedding and my dad and I painted them.  The girls will have years and years of enjoyment out of these.  LOVE them.

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