Thursday, June 28, 2012

Adelyn's Dance Class

Adelyn has her last dance class today and the parents/family members were allowed to be in the room while they put on a performance for us.  Daddy took the day off of work and Papa and Nana came too.  It's been a real struggle to get there on time every day for the past 2 weeks.  Brecken and Joelle usually sleep until 9 and her class is at 9.  Hello problems.  So I would have to wake them up, have their breakfast and milk ready to bring with and try to shuffle everyone into the car at 8:45.  Yeah.  We were late most days.  I had to haul Brecken and Joelle in a stroller because the good Lord knows they would have tore that lobby up if I didn't.  The one day (today) that I didn't have them in a stroller Joelle pressed the 911 button on the elevator.  Awesome.  They started talking through the elevator intercom and I had to have the receptionist call them and tell them no one was trapped.  We were a couple minutes late today and I got to see first hand what my tardiness did for her in the class.  I knew the days I was late she struggled to leave me and would stand at the door.  I don't think she liked the focus all on her, as she walked in.  The days we were on time she did fine.  

                Right when we walked in.                                                          Getting in the groove :)
                  Chewing on her fingers.                                                                  Dancing queen
Pretty little Jojo.  Yes, she still has remnants of Hand, Foot and Mouth on her face.  I didn't let her touch anyone.

Shaking their bunny tails ;)

               Doing the Macarena                                                                               Plies
Afterwards we went to the Zeeland Bakery for a celebration donut.  I walked past that place every day and managed to not go in.  Until the last day ;)

Papa and Nana with B and J.  Adelyn would not walk next to them.  Stinker.

Adelyn loved her class and she learned so much she impressed ME.  She still talks about it and does things from her class.  If we do it again next year we will have to be better about being on time!

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