Monday, June 18, 2012

B and J::18 months

I'm not to sad about 18 months.  It hasn't really phased me that that they are a year and a half.  Probably because we have been too busy ;)  They are super (SUPER) busy little people and keep me on the run all the time.  

-you weigh 26lbs 2ozs-less than it should be due to a bout of diarrhea, 50th percentile
-you are 32.5in tall, 50th percentile
-your head is just less than the 90th percentile
-i got out your 24month/2T clothes but kept some of your 18 month stuff out because it still fits great.
-you wear size 5/6 shoes.
-you get your paci only when you sleep.
-you have 9 teeth (only 1 molar)
-you love to eat.  You can seriously pack it away.  It's rather impressive.  You eat everything.  You love carbs and fruit but you eat just as many veggies.
-you are an excellent sleeper.  You go to sleep between 7:30/8 and usually wake up around 9.
-you still take a 2-3 hour nap every day.
-you are such a boy.  I never believed that line.  I do now.  You bang whatever toy you have in your hand on something.  You are constantly wrestling everything.  You never walk, you run.  You throw everything; food, toys, yourself.  
-you are zero to sixty.  Happy or mad.  You are rarely sad.  You just get mad.
-you love to read.
-you are OBSESSED with rubbing the corners of your blankies.  When we sit down to read before bed you have to have a corner to rub and when we are in the car you love to hold your blankie.
 -you don't talk a lot (the doc says you are doing great) but you are starting to repeat words more and more.  you say go, dog, hot, peas (please), eyes, you can roar, owie, ball, mommy, dada, kota, belly (for belly button), look it, nana, tickle tickle tickle
-you can open the doors
-you love to give me hugs.  Sometimes you'll be playing and you'll just walk up to me and want me to pick you up and hug you.  So cute.

Doesn't he just look like a long lanky TODDLER in this picture?!  Makes me sad.

Adelyn at 18 months...look at the FOUR teeth.  Cracks me up.

One lone tear by her eye.  B had just used her arm as a chew toy.  Teething.  Sigh.

-you weigh 27lbs 2ozs, 75th percentile
-you are 33.5in tall, 90-95th percentile
-your head is in the 90th-95th percentile
-you were 24mo/2T clothes
-you wear a size 5/6 shoe
 -you have 15 teeth (all of your molars and 3 of your eye teeth).  So crazy that you are one tooth away from having the same amount as Adelyn.  At the rate you are going you will get your 2 year molars before she does.
-much to your disappointment you only get your paci when you sleep.  Any time we see a baby you try to steal their's.
-you are our best eater.  if that's even possible with 3 good eaters.  you LOVE to eat.
-you are a good sleeper.  you go down around 7:30/8 and usually wake up around 9.  you can take a while to go to sleep sometimes.  you just lay in there or talk quietly.
-you love to play with babies.  you typically pick Adelyn's baby to play with and that creates a scene..  you love to kiss them and pat them on the back.
-you are the least daring individual I know.
-you hate being dirty.  if you get something on your hands that you don't want there you freak out.  at the beach you don't like the sand at first.
-you love playing with Adelyn and Brecken..when they are nice to you.  you also love to play by yourself.
-you don't talk a lot (even less than B) but the doc says you are right on track. you are starting to mimic a lot and you think it's so funny when we ask you to say something.  you can say hot, eyes, dog, mama, dada, yes, kota.
-whenever we ask you something you shake your head yes or no and you know exactly what you want.
-you are so SO sassy.  if anyone takes anything from you, you squawk so loudly.  you also (still) make the funniest monster noises.
-you love to give kisses. When you give a kiss you smack your lips really loudly.
-you are such a HUGE helper.  The stuff you do at this age amazes me-I can't wait until you are older ;)  You always have to pick everything up.
-you love to read.  Adelyn will read you books sometimes and you think it's the best.
-you love to cuddle.

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