Friday, June 1, 2012

Same outfits. Two (and some months) years apart.

I had Adelyn's one year pictures taken in this outfit and I meant to get a couple with Joelle in it but it wasn't at the top of our list when we were trying to wrangle two babies at a one year photo shoot.  By the time I remembered they were covered in cake.  I planned on taking one of her sooner in it..and she definitely wore it a lot but I never remembered to do that either.  So now Joelle is almost 18 months and I had to stuff her her in it, one last time, to get a real picture.  I literally put it on her and took it off because the pant legs ended at her calves. 

                     Adelyn 1 year                                                                            Joelle 18 months
Ugh.  My flash went off.  Totally didn't want it too but oh well.
I asked Jojo to stand in the corner for me so I could take a picture and she would sit down.  Repeatedly.  So this is what I got.  Her running away.  Haha.  Such is life. 

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