Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Critter Barn

We went to the Critter Barn with play group today.  It was a lot of fun..but I probably won't be going (by myself) again this year.  I took our double umbrella stroller and it was a joke trying to get around.  They have practically all gravel or sand on the grounds and trying to push an umbrella stroller through that?  What a joke.  When we were in the sheep pen B and J were out of the stroller and B sampled a piece of sheep poo-just to set the record straight he didn't actually eat it, he just put it in his mouth (still just as gross).  It is suspect for making him sick.  There was all kinds of poo all over our sandals when we were done.  Note to self::wear tennis shoes when going to the Critter Barn.  Brecken also likes to do things his way or the highway and when he doesn't get his way (for example::walking all the time) he makes his presence *loudly* known.  That makes it hard since I can't let him walk in poo by himself and I can't exactly walk away from the other two to make him happy.

Checking out the goats  She LOVES to hold baby chicks.

 Sophia Grace::Take note of the those big                                   Kaylee Grace::This little girl is soooo funny.
          beautiful blue eyes.  So pretty.                                             She cracks me up every time I see her :)

 B and Jojo checking out the baby chicks.

Joelle was so excited to check out the sheep.  She headed over and then the sheep starting coming towards her.  Her bravery quickly receded.

Swinging on the sheep feed bag.

Playing ring-around-the-rosy.  Brecken is supervising.

We definitely had fun...but it's not something I would choose to do by myself again..until next year when people listen to me and don't sample sheep feces.

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