Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Zoo. With Papa and Nana!

We planned the zoo trip earlier this week because it was supposed to be beautiful today.  It was.  75 and sunny.  Love it.  Everyone else thought it was a great day for the zoo too.  Luckily, for once, we had more adults than children so it was actually an enjoyable trip.  Thanks for coming with us Papa and Nana!!!

The lioness munching on lunch.  I don't want to know what it really was.  They are never down by the window.  The zoo employees must throw treats down by the windows for the weekend guests.

So powerful.

Chimps loving on each other.  Or picking fleas.  Either one.

                          Silly boy                                                                                      Twins!

My three babies

Nana and Adelyn, Papa and Brecken feeding the birds.

Momma and her littlest youngest baby

Adelyn feeding a birdie

The petting zoo!

Aww.  So cute.

Petting the goat

Jojo LOVES animals.  She was chasing them all over the place and petting every one.  She is going to work with animals someday.

Little B playing on the train

             Adelyn and the walibi                                                                             Such a stud.
Papa, Nana, Adelyn, Brecken and Joelle with John Ball and his friends.

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