Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hand Foot and Mouth..or Not?!

The kids had spent the night for the first time at Mark and Tiff's Saturday night and when we picked them up Sunday I noticed Joelle was warm.  I just figured she was hot from running around.  She was acting fine and didn't seem bothered by anything so off to church we went.  We got home from church and she was super hot so I took her temp and it was 103.7.  I decided to take her to the Urgent Care to check for a UTI because she didn't have any other symptoms.  We got in quickly and they started looking her over.  The nurse did a cath on her right away because of her history.  The PA came in and looked her over.  I knew that Hand, Foot and Mouth had been going around like crazy but never thought to look.  He flipped her palms over and she had the spots.  Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for Hand, Foot and Mouth but he wanted to wait until the culture came back for the UTI, just in case.  It came back positive for some bacteria-not a lot-but, again, given her history he wanted to put her on meds until the 48 hour culture came back.  He put her on Cephalexin.  I requested Bactrim but he said that UTI's were being treated with Cephalexin right now.  I said whatever as long as it's not Amoxicillin.  I brought her home and got her started on the meds.  She woke up in the morning looking just terrible.  Every time I would give her a dose of meds the rash would spread.  I called the doctor thinking it was an allergic reaction.  Unfortunately our doctor wasn't there and the only one was the doctor I had a lot of previous issues with.  I had them send her a message asking, but when the rash kept getting worse I called back wanting her seen.  The doctor had just sent a note back saying that it was probably Hand, Foot and Mouth, not a reaction, because it can spread to more than just your Hands, Feet and Mouth.  I said that I really thought she needed to be seen and to send another note back.  The doc then came back with it's probably just the disease because she had Cephalexin in May for Cellulitis and not a reaction to the meds but to hold the meds anyways since her 24 hour culture was negative.  Because, you know, it's not a reaction.  Well.  This is a picture of her Monday afternoon.  I gave her the last dose of meds at noon...

and this is her Tuesday morning.
Yeah.  Probably not an allergic reaction or anything.

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