Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A's First Fishing Trip

My mom called last night and wondered if Adelyn and I wanted to escape the loony bin HFM sick-house to go fishing with my dad.  I couldn't have been more grateful for a reason to leave.  When I told Adelyn this morning that we were going to go fishing with Papa she said "Oohh!  I want to catch them and play with them and eat them!"  I was a bit surprised that she correlated catching fish and eating them but I told her that she would have to tell Papa.  We left later this afternoon and didn't get back until 9:15!  We had a blast.  We caught about 12 (decent sized) perch.  There were plenty more that we threw back-something that upset Adelyn every time.  She wanted to keep them all.  We told her we only kept Mommy and Daddy fish-we threw baby fish back.  We kept her busy getting minnows, opening the live-well and reeling the fish in.  She didn't want to hold them because she was afraid of the fins but she finally started playing with them when we were going through the channel.  There were some nice dead ones in the live-well that she kept picking up.  She said "Oohh look!  This one is trying to swim upside down."  Mmhmm, honey.  Whatever you say.  

Concentrating really hard on reeling in a big one!

               Adelyn's first catch!                                                                   A two-for-one special!
Eww!  "I don't want to touch it Papa!"

 Papa and Adelyn.  Expert fishermen.

             Giving the fishy kisses.                                                                    Catching the fishies.

Look Daddy!  I caught a big fish!

The leftover minnows are in our kiddie pool.  Hopefully they aren't all dead by morning.

My mom asked her what her favorite part was and she said "eating my samwich."  Only my child would think about food all.the.time.  Her sandwich was a pesto-turkey sandwich.  Something I wouldn't have touched when I was her age but was, apparently, her favorite part of fishing. She told me when we got inside AND when we went to bed that she "had a really fun time fishing with you and Papa tonight."  So sweet and so much fun!

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