Sunday, June 10, 2012

Our First Camping Trip.

We bought a pop-up at the end of the season last year and we took our first camping trip this past weekend.  We went to Holland State Park in case we had to evacuate because of our children.  I left with the kids Thursday after naps and Eric came after work.  We had it all set up and we were ready to have a blast.  Thursday night was probably the worst night of sleep I have ever had.  It was solely because I thought pack'n'plays were optional.  I know plenty of people who have their kids sleep in beds by 18 months so I thought it would be fine.  Ha.Ha.Ha.  We started bed time at 8.  We put Adelyn to bed and she thought sleeping was optional.  She played/jumped/sang while Eric and I were with Brecken and Joelle.  We each had one and they screamed off and on (mostly on) until 10.  At 10 we got in the van and went for a drive.  Brecken and Joelle fell asleep, Adelyn did not.  We got back to our site at 10:30 and put B and J down and I slept with Adelyn.  I woke up an hour or two later to Brecken crying.  I thought Eric would get him since he was sleeping right there.  I waited 15 minutes and walked over to find Eric sleeping.  Right next to a crying baby.  By then Joelle was awake.  So, you guessed it, we were up with screaming babies for at least another hour.  Thankfully Adelyn didn't wake up.  Then all four of us were "sleeping" (Eric, Brecken and Joelle were) on less than a full size bed.  Then Adelyn woke us all up at 6.  Brecken and Joelle slept in pack'n'plays the rest of the weekend.  Eric worked on Friday and my mom came to help me keep the kids in line.  She picked up the pack'n'plays on the way out so we could sleep.  I took the kids to Mount Pisgah in the morning.  Adelyn climbed all the way up and I carried B and J up.

The top of Mount Pisgah Thursday morning 

My three babies

When my mom got there we went for a walk and then ate lunch.  We went to the beach for the afternoon and came back in time for supper.  Everyone slept great Friday night.
This was after the beach.  They were beyond exhausted.

Brecken's first s'more.  He.made.a.mess.  I would have taken a picture of Joelle...but she looked like she hadn't ate anything.
I should insert here that I am a genius and brought the kiddie pool to bathe our children in.  I have bathed one child in a campground shower and there was no way I was bathing three.  Eric was mortified I was going to strip our children down and bathe them naked in the middle of the campground.  We compromised with Adelyn in a swim suit.  Later that night our neighbor walked over and informed me that I actually was a genius and she was going to remember that for next time.  Humph.  Take that.

Saturday morning Mt. Pisgah climb.  I had to get this picture in here because he's saying cheese.  So cute.

Pretty little lady.

 After we climbed the stairs we hiked on all the trails up there.  I had no idea they were even up there.  The kids loved it.

After lunch we went to the beach.
Silly girls eating, and showing off, their graham crackers.

Love their little hats.  They are 2T-4T.  They should last a couple years.

Sunday we were planning on heading back to Mt. Pisgah but a certain three-year-old woke up at 5:30 and never stopped crying/arguing/not listening.  We decided to just pack it up and head home.  We were home by 11.  I would say about 50% of the time we had an extreme amount of fun and the other 50% was pretty much torture.  We thought about cancelling our remaining trips but we are going to try Hoffmaster in July and see how it goes.  There will obviously be some changes ;)

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