Thursday, June 21, 2012


Danger, Danger!  I know, I know, we are horrible parents.  Don't report us to CPS but our children sleep with blankets.  Sometimes they sleep with blankets over their heads.  *GASP*  Brecken's the worst about his blanket on/by his head.  When we put him down at night, he rolls to his belly and the blanket has to be touching his ears.  Adelyn, usually, stuffs hers by her face and Joelle, usually, sleeps on top of hers.  

I went in one morning, a week or so ago, and found Jojo like this::
So I had to run get my camera for documentation of our neglect ;)

We have been having serious issues with Adelyn and her sleeping.  She has slept 12 hours since she was 7/9 weeks old and now it's about 8 hours.  We have had a child safety lock on the inside of her door since we transitioned her to a regular bed and, with it on, she would stay in there until 7/8.  She started waking up at 6 consistently, with it on, so I just took it off because sometimes she has to go to the bathroom.  Heaven forbid I discourage using the toilet.  When we took it off she started having issues going to sleep at night, like not going to sleep until 10/10:30 AND we would wake up in the middle of the night to discover her sleeping with us.  I'm sorry but that doesn't fly in my book.  My mom has been telling me for some time to stop naps with her but I'm not ready too.  I finally decided to try when she started waking up at 5:30.  The first day went great.  She didn't take a nap.  She stayed upstairs, for the most part, for an hour and a half, playing.  She went to bed around 7:45 and slept until 6:45.  A serious improvement.  The next day she was super whiny for rest time and after an hour and a half I told her she could come downstairs and sit by me while I finished a couple phone calls.  She was watching cartoons and fell asleep.  IRRITATING.  I let her sleep for half an hour and woke her up.  I talked to her for a couple minutes and then I went to the bathroom.  When I came back this is what I found::
I sent my mom a picture and told her what happened.  I added roar at the end of my text because I was so frustrated.  My mom's text back "Did you really roar at her to wake her up?"  Bahahahahaha.  No.  But I wish I did.
Some day we will sleep again.  When we are dead.  As my wise mother says "We won't be sleeping then, either."  Humph.

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