Friday, June 15, 2012

The Beach with Auntie Rachie!

My sister texted me the other day and asked what we had going Friday.  I said "Nothing! Want to go to the beach?"  She loves the beach so off we went.  There's one thing everyone should understand about my sister::she HATES being dirty.  Hates it.  When we went to the beach as a family, when I was younger, she never got dirty.  Ever.  That's where Joelle gets it from ;)  I knew she was going to be dirtier than she normally was, she's going with three toddlers, but I figured she knew that.  The weather was perfect, not to hot, and the water was calm so the kids Adelyn and Brecken went in.  It was still freezing (59) but once you get numb it's fine.

Pretty little lady digging in the sand.

Mr. B checking out the water.

Pretty little Jojo.  This is as close as she gets to the water ;)

Auntie Rach and Adelyn and their shades.  Love this picture.

As we were walking back to the car Rachel said to me "that was the dirtiest I have ever been."  I laughed and asked her what she expected ;)  ...When she told my mom we were going to the beach my mom asked .her if she understood she was going to get sandy.  Haha.
We heart the beach.  We will be making numerous trips there this summer :)

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