Saturday, December 1, 2012

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

We *finally* got around to putting up the Christmas tree this weekend.  I, typically, like to put it up Thanksgiving weekend.  The way parties worked out, that didn't work out this year.  Better late than never..  When Adelyn woke up from her nap she started helping me fluff the branches and then we hung the lights.  We waited until Brecken and Joelle woke up to hang the ornaments.

Hanging the first ornaments.

Little B getting some help hanging one towards the top.

Eric was playing around with the camera and liked how this one turned out..I will reserve judgement.

The only cute one of Jojo.  Can *I* get some defined eye brows like that?!

aanndd here's trouble.

A family tradition to keep up year after year!

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