Saturday, December 8, 2012

Smit Christmas Party

We had our first Christmas party today.  It was with my Mom's side of the family.  We always have it at my Aunt and Uncle's church.  Because that side of the family is THAT big.  It is always a controlled chaos with lots of children and lots of yummy food.  Since we are in BL, not a lot of yummy food for us.  After supper most of the adults played Bunco.  I participated briefly.  Until Adelyn had to go to the bathroom.  Then I held sweet little True, the rest of the time.  Gotta get my baby fix somehow ;)

Oma with great grand babies 21, 22 and 23.  

 Adelyn wanted to take some pictures so she snapped this one of my Grandma, B and I.  LOVE.
And this one with Oma, Nana, B and J.  Ha!

We had a lovely time, per usual, and can't wait to see the new babies next year!

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