Friday, December 7, 2012

Little Man

I decided that *almost* 2 was a good time for a first buzz cut.  I was determined to use the longest guard because he doesn't have a ton of hair and it's super I was terrified of making him look bald.

The "before" pic.  

The after pics.  His mohawk won't poke your eye out anymore.  It used to be wickedly tall.  Fitting for our crazy little man ;)

 The pile of hair..I think it was quite a bit, all things considering.

I thought a little Frozen Yogurt would be fitting as a celebratory first hair cut.  Ha.  We had a gift card and were going stir crazy is more like it..
 Mmmm we went to FYI in Jenison.  It was pretty good, the kids didn't complain, but I like the one in Holland better ;)

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