Tuesday, December 18, 2012

B and J::Birthday Dinner

I know, I know.  3 posts in one day.  Regarding their birthday.  What can I say?!  Birthdays are a big deal to me.  You only turn that age once..and it's a day that (should) be all about YOU.
Their actual birthday was a terrible, horrible, no-good day.  I don't remember it now (other than it was terrible) and I didn't blog that day...so I couldn't tell you what happened.  I WAS going to make them a birthday supper and a cake..but never got around to either of those things.  Due to "The Sickness" my friends brought us dinner every night that week and Al brought us fettuccine and garlic bread.  I counted that as a HUGE win.  We love us some pasta and we love us some bread.  I had some sugar cookie dough made up that I was planning on using for Christmas and having the kids decorate them.  So Adelyn and I baked them in the afternoon and we ended up decorating Christmas cookies as our "cake."  Humph. 

This was their lunch.  Which I was planning on doing as their birthday party dinner.  Turkey cubes, cheese cubes and grapes.  Three of their most favorite things.  At least I didn't strike out on lunch..

Decorating cookies!  If you look somewhat closely you can see they each have a cookie shaped like a hand.  I laid their hand on the dough, traced around and baked.  Hand cookies.  Wah-lah.

Cute little button nose.

Happy Birthday to you!!!

Make a wish

Can't forget Lady A.  Decorating her hand :)

We were planning on all of them pooping sprinkles...because they ate so many.  Thankfully that never happened.

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