Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Because everyone always needs a good laugh.  Usually at my expense...

 I told her to “pop a squat” and she said to me “what does that noise mean?” 

 It started down-pouring while we were eating supper and she said “ohh it’s like a car wash!”
 All the kids were in the bath tub and she started singing “Where is penis, where is penis, here I am, here I am.”  Tune::where is thumbkin.  **We, obviously, don't encourage this (and i have never heard it again) but we do refer to body parts as their appropriate name
Adelyn and I during our daily fight about clothes:: "I want to wear a skirt" "You can't wear a skirt, we are going to the park. You have to wear shorts." "No! I don't want to be a man! I am not going to the park with your friends! They are mean to me! I don't want to wear shorts like a farmer!"
We went out to dinner with my family and she told everyone at the table that she was a prince because she was wearing pants. I (and everyone else) assumed she had said princess and I said "Yep. You are a princess no matter what you wear." She said "No Mommy! I's a PRINCE because I have pants on!!"
The other night she came downstairs in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and she asked me to get her new undies. I asked her why and she said she "dribbled in them."  I asked her where she put them and she said "in the dirty laundry." I was fine with that..since I was in bed. She goes back to bed and later on that night I found her wet undies in bed with Eric and I. I was thoroughly disturbed and asked her about it in the morning. Her response "Oh yeah. Sorry 'bout that."

I have a big mole on my toe (it’s fine, I promise) and the other day Adelyn said to me “Let me see that big molar!” So I showed her.  Then she says “Let me see that big one growing on your elbow!”  So I showed her. "Ooohh that's a big one!" Thanks for the vote of self-confidence.

Adelyn and I went out to eat the other night and a rather tall man walked past-whom looked even taller because we were sitting down.  Adelyn “Wow!  That’s a large man!”  Me “Yes.  He’s very tall, isn’t he?” Adelyn “He is.  My daddy isn’t tall.” Me “Nope.  He isn’t.”  Adelyn “My Daddy is a very short man.”  
Me Bahahahahaha...on the inside.  Since I couldn’t actually laugh out loud.

We were going outside and Adelyn asked me if she could put her “muffins” on.  It took me a second to realize she meant mittens.

I put my contacts in this morning and later was cutting onions.  I make the remark all the time that I think, for whatever reason, that it’s my contacts that keep my eyes from watering (for the most part)  Eric’s eyes always water really bad and, when I wear my glasses, mine do too.  Welllll today Adelyn’s started watering.  She runs to my bathroom and says “I have to put my eyetacts in!”

Adelyn got out of her bed and I told her to go back.  After a few minutes of arguing she said “I love you Mommy.  Thank you for being mean.”  At least she is polite..

Adelyn rubbed my arm at supper and said “I like your whiskers.”

I asked her to stop growing and she said "No Mommy.  God is growing me up to be a big girl like you."

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