Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Just so everyone knows what I have to go through to get a decent picture.  And sometimes they aren't all that decent.  I'm sure, if you have children, you can relate.

Thanks Eric.. ;)

My poor dad..  First B threw his head back and hit my dad with his (extra large) noggin, right in the throat.  Then he gets Joelle...

This is my profile picture (aka: the best one).  That's not saying much.

My mom and I successfully ruined this one..

Those two...

Oh B...he has the best cheesy smiles.

Joelle trying to mom was onto that one.  Adelyn being angry.

Missing one..and I think this was right before my dad got whacked in the goiter.

Like I said earlier...Oh B.

I, seriously, have about 30-40 pictures of Adelyn looking sullen and angry.  Finally I said I was just going to take pictures of Brecken and Joelle.  She decided to perk up ;)

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