Saturday, December 22, 2012

Fitz Christmas

We had Eric's family over for Christmas.  We had a ham, cheesy potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, fruit plate, veggies, rolls and various Fitz favorite desserts.
Three little cuties, in some of their Christmas finest, before the Fitz Christmas.
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 As I'm sure anyone with children can attest, it is not the easiest thing to have everyone look presentable..
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Presents!!!  Everyone helps everyone else at our house..
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 An Easy Bake Oven!  I never would have thought to get Adelyn one of these, yet, but she LOVES it.  She has asked me so many times to use it and we even found a website where you can use fresh ingredients to make things in it.  She opened it up and said "Ooohh it's just like Mommy's!!"  Aww
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 You know that was (NOT) for him.  But it's a car.  And so he thinks it's his.
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 B got a roller-coaster from Uncle Steve and Aunt Carol.  Joelle was TERRIFIED the first time we sent her down.  Look at her face in the first picture but by the time she got to the bottom, she realized it was all good.
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