Sunday, December 23, 2012

Rogalske Christmas/B & J's Birthday

We celebrated Christmas with my Dad's side on the Sunday before Christmas.  I just realized I never got pictures of the kids with my grandparents.  So bummed.  I guess I can't get them every time..  There is always LOTS of yummy food.  And we always eat too much.  Again ;)

Cuties opening presents.
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Dress-up princess stuff!
december 01 272  These are a huge hit.  Everyone loves playing with them!
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I didn't even know my uncle snapped this with his phone until he emailed it to me.  But I love it.  Such a cute picture of Brecken and his Nana.

Since Brecken and Joelle got hosed for their birthday, and we didn't have a party, my Grandma asked if we could celebrate on Christmas.  I decided I should get my act together and make them a cake.  Success :) :)  They were super easy cakes but still time consuming.  Their faces are always priceless when they see them, though!
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Admiring their works of art.
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They wanted to take the candles out and Brecken actually touched one while it was still lit.  I didn't freak out, so he didn't, but there were lots of gasps around the room ;)  I (quickly!) told him to eat a piece of candy off his cake.  My candy loving man decided that was a good idea.
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I think this is so cute.  He was licking the frosting out of the scoop.
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And Joelle was busted eating marshmallows off the cake.  Because she doesn't like candy.
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Digging in.
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So glad we did decide to do their birthday.  Everybody got a kick out of their cakes and I'm sure Brecken and Joelle loved it.  Christmas was a fantastic time, per usual.  Holidays, can be, fun :)

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