Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I wouldn't change a thing.

HaPpY bIrThDaY to the cutest pair of twins I know!!!   
I can not believe we have made it to two years..with twins and a three year old.  Insert a sigh.  Some days are worse than others, particularly when Brecken is feeling ultra destructive or Joelle is feeling ultra sassy.  For the most part, we survive with all our body parts in tact.  I get loads of people asking me if I would have twins again, if it's easy, etc.  The first year and a half were "easy."  You know, when people didn't destroy things, talk back, bite each other, hit each other, throw food or throw each other.  I could just stick them on my boob and go on with our day.  The past 6 months have been particularly challenging in regards to all of the above..and you better believe there are plenty of days where I wish I could STILL whip out my boob and get them to be quiet.
But for all of our "bad" days..or "bad" moments..there are LOADS of good days..perhaps moments is more fitting..that make up for the bad.  Nothing melts my heart more than when Brecken wraps his arms around my neck for a hug, pulls me by the hand to show me something, says "Iwanta bite," or asks "Where's Jojo?" incessantly when he can't see her.  Joelle can be the most loving little individual I know.  Her laugh is sooo infectious, she loves to give kisses, loves loves loves babies, loves her big sister and always wants to hold her brother's hand.
I know that I don't always have the most positive things to say when it comes to the whole "twin" aspect.  Every last thing I have said is soo very true, to me.  I know that I stress myself out way more than they will ever be stressed out about it, but still, it is a HUGE adjustment and it takes LOTS of time to get used too.  
There are a few things, though, that make me see them in the most positive way possible.  I know lots of people who struggle to get pregnant in the first place and I am so beyond grateful that I was blessed with a two-for-one special.  I will never take them for granted.  Not very many people get to experience a twin pregnancy.  That was so unique (and uncomfortable!) in it's own aspect.  4 legs and 4 arms was really something ;)  I DO miss that.  I don't think they will ever have as strong of a "twin bond" as same-sex twins have but I love seeing them interact with each other and they are ever so aware if the other one is not there.
With all of that being said, please, please don't ever think I am ungrateful for the ease of my pregnancies or the fact that I have twins.  There is no way I could ever, ever pick one over the other.  As far as having twins again, I think I have decided to go with a combination of laughing and crying.  I think they might call that hysterics but I will be laughing because God is a funny man if he thinks I can do it, again and crying because I will be overwhelmed at the task of trying to carry twins to term, again.
But with everything all said and done I wouldn't change a thing.
So blessed, so truly blessed.

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