Boulder Ridge had a Park in the Dark theme this weekend. It's there last open weekend for the year. We were going to go last night but something about 38 inches of rain stopped us. Thankfully it cleared up this afternoon! They had different sponsors set up with candy so the kids could trick or treat. I picked a really good year for AWESOME costumes-thanks Jill!!! We went to this in costume, have two costume birthday parties and the 31st. Everybody and their mother commented on our costumes. They thought they were so hilarious and original. Score!
I had to get a picture before we left because I knew it would be next to impossible to get one of the three of them semi-looking at the park. I was right.
This picture speaks to me. I love it. aanndd I also love this one. So pretty.

Papa Smurf...CHEESE!
The baby zebra in the petting zoo. Adorable.
Miss Adelyn feeding the goats. So awesome that they have the little scoops you can feed them with. My kids are always scared when animals lick their hands..
Even Jojo took a turn!
I'm not sure what animal this was..some long eared cow? But Adelyn fed it.
Daddy doesn't make it into to many I'm keeping this one on here!
Feeding the birds! Can't believe he didn't freak out.. So amazed I caught this! I didn't think I did.

Jojo wasn't so sure about it..
Pretty bird!
Adelyn J feeding the birdies :) She is tooo cute.

Papa riding the elephant. See the covered pavilion
in the background? Yeah, he made his rounds in
there about 4 times gathering candy. I'm not joking. Papa Smurf and the oldest Smurfette!!!

Gives you a solid appreciation for the hat.
The only picture I got on the safari ride. It was a bit dark for my camera but it wasn't bad for the ride. These are wildebeests.
Riding the monster..and ancient...turtle. Little B took a turn...don't get off too quickly.

She wasn't as scared as she looks.
Like I said..impossible to get a picture of the three of them looking. But it's still cute :)
We had so much fun. Brecken found a new teething toy. His Papa Smurf mustache. I'll have to try to fix that..or just not care. None of them took their hats off until the very end. Eric and I were amazed. Can't wait for the rest of our parties!!!
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