Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mommy strikes again.

Brecken took a long nap this afternoon and I heard him wake up around 4:15.  I was trying to finish some muffins for Bible Study tomorrow so I just left him up there.  B and J are always happy to sit in their cribs and play.  Today B decided to take it to the next level.  HE CLIMBED OUT.  I never heard him fall.  I heard their door knob rattling upstairs and I was like who is that?!  Then I heard the pitter patter of feet.  I ran upstairs and B was running around with his pajamas stuck around one foot.  *Sigh*  So I did what I always do when my children climb out way before I'm ready.

I put the mattress on the floor.
Take that Mr. B.  Take that.  Humph.  I had to put his bumper pads back in because there were some gaps in the corners that I foresaw him getting his foot stuck in and waking up screaming.  I've got my sleep all covered over here.  I have SERVED my time waking up in the middle of the night, I tell you what.

And, yes, his teething guard thing is duct taped on.  Because I was sick of him taking it off and still going all beaver like on the edge of his crib.  Little does he know he has to use that bed until he moves out.

I am moderately concerned.  While I was dissembling his mattress he was attempting to scale the side just by pulling himself up and walking up the side.  So not ready for this.  He may get a crib tent.

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