We went to a "monster" birthday party tonight. It was a costume party for Owen's 3rd birthday. The birthday boy was Super Why. Love it! Jeff and Nichole did a great job setting up and made some awesomely yummy Mac and Cheese. It only had 2lbs of velveeta cheese AND 8 cups of shredded cheese. Did I also mention it had bacon and sour cream in it? Yum.
Some of the big kids eating
Daddy making sure the babies don't make a mess..

William hitting the pinata
Jojo taking a turn. What a cutie.
Adelyn giving it a shot..
Jojo taking a turn...what a cutie :)
Birthday boy!
Cutie patootie getting her face painted
Mr. B and his handlebar mustache. Can you tell he's saying "cheeeeeese?!"
Mr. Jeff and the confetti gun. It was a big hit with the kids.

Adelyn trying it out. She jumped a mile when it went off. After we were all done with it Jeff had said "who wants a turn with the shop vac?!" I saw Adelyn picking it up and I asked her what she was doing. She comes over to me and says "my friend told me to pick it up." Hahahaha

William :)
Most of the kiddos and their costumes
Jeff wanted to do something with his iPhone and he had the kids all standing with their arms out. Obviously Adelyn was the only one who felt like obliging.. The lego man probably can't see and Brecken and Joelle are trying to plot their next escape attempt.
Little Smurfette and Papa Smurf Papa Smurf. He's a stud.

We had so much fun tonight. On the way home Adelyn asked "When Owen has another birthday, can I come?" I thought that was so sweet. She told me she had sooo much fun. She fell asleep right when we got home so you know she played hard. Papa took a tumble right before we left so he has a big scrape on his chin. What's a little blood...
Costume Birthday Party #2 tomorrow!!!
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