Ever since yesterday Adelyn has been asking to finger paint non-stop. I knew Brecken would love it..he attempted to yesterday but I quickly put the ka-bosh on that. He had his clothes on, his coat on and already had it all over his hands in the 2.5 seconds I let him play with it.
Naked. With aprons. Don't forget your socks.
I texted my friend Joy, this picture, and said THIS is how finger painting is done at our house. Strapped in chairs. Naked. With aprons.

I didn't have any paint brushes. Which was Joelle. The girl has issues getting messy.
very traumatic, let me tell you. But I can Don't be messing up her hair bows. "Bow"
improvise with a mean leaf on a stick. is actually one of the few words she says.

Mr. B.
She got over having messy hands rather quickly.
Brecken had no problem with that from the beginning.
This was her plate halfway through. I finally
gave it to Brecken. aanndd this is as messy as she got.

B on the other hand...believes in getting messy.
Funny story (kinda)::I told Adelyn to slap her hand on the paper and say "Bam!" She proceeded to do so but replaced the B with a D. Then said it as many times as you see hand prints on the table. I told her once that it was a B..ba ba BAM. Nope. Didn't work. So I didn't say anything else.
We stopped once my dear son decided to stop listening. Big surprise. He started ripping all the paper up and painting all over the table. So I threw them all in the tub and cleaned up.
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