Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween. Smurf Style.

We took the kids trick or treating tonight.  We were prepared to freeze our rear ends off and by the time we got to the end of our street, we were.  Brecken was screaming full on and Joelle was an ice cube.  We were with Auntie and our neighbors; so our neighbors took Adelyn around one more block and the rest of us headed home.  We went to Eric's parents afterwards AND to my parents.  We got home at 9:30.  I'll pay for that tomorrow ;)  Hopefully not in snot and coughs.  

2 Smurfettes and Papa Smurf with all the pumpkins.  I'm going to turn those into pumpkin puree.
  For a fun little comparison this was last year::

Auntie and twinkies..Adelyn was off with her friends.  And so it begins.. 

Trick or Treat!

Papa and Nana and the Smurfs.  This was at 9:00 at night, so I would say it's an EXCELLENT picture.  Ha.

So much fun being the Smurfs this year.  It was nice that we had 4 things to wear our costumes too ;)  I'm going to have a hard time topping this one next year!

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