Monday, October 1, 2012

Lollipop, Lollipop... la, la lollipop!  For those of you who don't know, we have for about 2 weeks officially!, taken the child lock off of the inside of Adelyn's door.  I kept talking to her about it and one day she told me I could take it off and we haven't looked back!  I busted out our marble jar again and she gets 1 marble for staying in bed at night and 1 if she asks before she comes out in the morning...and 3 if she does both!  I think there was only 1 night where she didn't do both..  She also gets 1 marble for taking care of her dishes at each meal, any other type of chore and 1 marble for doing extra nice things for her siblings or her parents.  She was told, when Momma's jar is emptied into hers, she can have some type of present or pick supper for that night.  When we talked about it she told me she wanted spaghetti for supper but when it finally came down to an actual "present" she decided she wanted a lollipop.  Her jar was full yesterday and when I told her the Peanut Store was closed on Sunday she cried...and I wanted to cry.  So, so sad.  So we went right away this morning.  She picked out her lollipop...and it cost me $2.75.  Ridiculous.  We had a reallllly nice morning walking around downtown Holland looking in the stores, getting some books for the kids and a scarf for Mommy.  So nice to be with pleasant children :)

My pretty lady with her lollipop!

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