Friday, October 5, 2012

New Salem Corn Maze

We went to the New Salem Corn Maze with the Lampens tonight and had a blast.  We were hoping to do the corn maze but no such luck.  The kiddie version is not open on Friday nights.  I know, we were confused too.  They told us we could check out the animals and play on the playground.  They had quite a few animals and when we went to check out the cows they had this poor fellow in the calf barn.

They had him set aside because he has to see the orthodontist.  I wish I could tell you that I edited his teeth in there.  But those are his real teeth.

All the kiddos.  On the non-moving train.

Joelle wasn't sure if she should be driving...

So Brecken took over to man the wheel...

I took this of Adelyn with my cell phone when we were downtown Zeeland with playgroup.  She's making a really attractive face, I know ;)

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