Friday, October 12, 2012

Post Family Farms...with Friends!

We went to Post with playgroup today and I remember from last year that they were really funny about "the public" just showing up.  So I called and scheduled a mini-tour.  We got to take a hay ride to the pumpkin patch, get a tour of the farm and ride on the pumpkin train.

Joy took this picture of the Momma's watching their babies ;)

   William on the tire swing horses :)                                                                          Lil' B

The big girls swinging



 Jojo.  Such a pretty picture.

The looooong awaited hay ride.  We were losing some people to melt downs so it couldn't have come at a better time ;)

Adelyn picked out a good pumpkin...little does she know we are going to eat it.

Pretty little lady

 Cheesy Brecken.  He strategically placed himself next to Mrs. Tiffany so he could steal some crackers.

This is what I look like.  All the time.  (Eric says I need to edit this to "Joy taking a picture of me...

 But somebody had to get a picture of Sawyer looking cute! (...taking a picture of Sawyer!)

 Oh my goodness.  Could he get any cuter?!  Particularly with the line of drool.

Melts my heart.  I wish I could have known what they were saying...

 Animal tour.  Talking about chickens and what they eat with Miss Jane.

"Touching" eggs.  Luckily none broke.

Feeding the goats :)

I should have checked for missing goat eyes.  But I didn't.  Luckily the goat has/had two.

 Miss Jane catching pigs.  So we could hear them squeal.  No joke.

 The pumpkin train!

He was SOOOO excited to ride the train.  Every time he saw it he tried to run over to it.  Waiting his turn to ride was pure torture.  Surprisingly there were no scenes when I took him off..

So much fun.  Will have to remember to schedule the tour next year.  It was the perfect amount of time for our kiddos...and we got to escape the weekend crazies.

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