Thursday, June 28, 2012

Adelyn's Dance Class

Adelyn has her last dance class today and the parents/family members were allowed to be in the room while they put on a performance for us.  Daddy took the day off of work and Papa and Nana came too.  It's been a real struggle to get there on time every day for the past 2 weeks.  Brecken and Joelle usually sleep until 9 and her class is at 9.  Hello problems.  So I would have to wake them up, have their breakfast and milk ready to bring with and try to shuffle everyone into the car at 8:45.  Yeah.  We were late most days.  I had to haul Brecken and Joelle in a stroller because the good Lord knows they would have tore that lobby up if I didn't.  The one day (today) that I didn't have them in a stroller Joelle pressed the 911 button on the elevator.  Awesome.  They started talking through the elevator intercom and I had to have the receptionist call them and tell them no one was trapped.  We were a couple minutes late today and I got to see first hand what my tardiness did for her in the class.  I knew the days I was late she struggled to leave me and would stand at the door.  I don't think she liked the focus all on her, as she walked in.  The days we were on time she did fine.  

                Right when we walked in.                                                          Getting in the groove :)
                  Chewing on her fingers.                                                                  Dancing queen
Pretty little Jojo.  Yes, she still has remnants of Hand, Foot and Mouth on her face.  I didn't let her touch anyone.

Shaking their bunny tails ;)

               Doing the Macarena                                                                               Plies
Afterwards we went to the Zeeland Bakery for a celebration donut.  I walked past that place every day and managed to not go in.  Until the last day ;)

Papa and Nana with B and J.  Adelyn would not walk next to them.  Stinker.

Adelyn loved her class and she learned so much she impressed ME.  She still talks about it and does things from her class.  If we do it again next year we will have to be better about being on time!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sweet (Matching) Sisters

I don't dress Adelyn and Joelle matching very often and when I do, I like it to be different outfits with some of the same fabric or the same outfit with different fabrics.  I am not a huge fan of the same outfits.  I picked these outfits up from Plum Paisley yesterday and just had to put them on the girls. 
Joelle always has loved to be touched and sometimes just needs a hug or to be held.  She has started walking up to Adelyn and wrapping her arms around her for a hug.  Adelyn soaks up the attention.  So stinking cute.  I had to get a picture of it.

Pretty little ladies.

Telling Jojo that "it will be ok."  Love them..and the outfits.

Hand Foot and Mouth..or Not?!

The kids had spent the night for the first time at Mark and Tiff's Saturday night and when we picked them up Sunday I noticed Joelle was warm.  I just figured she was hot from running around.  She was acting fine and didn't seem bothered by anything so off to church we went.  We got home from church and she was super hot so I took her temp and it was 103.7.  I decided to take her to the Urgent Care to check for a UTI because she didn't have any other symptoms.  We got in quickly and they started looking her over.  The nurse did a cath on her right away because of her history.  The PA came in and looked her over.  I knew that Hand, Foot and Mouth had been going around like crazy but never thought to look.  He flipped her palms over and she had the spots.  Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for Hand, Foot and Mouth but he wanted to wait until the culture came back for the UTI, just in case.  It came back positive for some bacteria-not a lot-but, again, given her history he wanted to put her on meds until the 48 hour culture came back.  He put her on Cephalexin.  I requested Bactrim but he said that UTI's were being treated with Cephalexin right now.  I said whatever as long as it's not Amoxicillin.  I brought her home and got her started on the meds.  She woke up in the morning looking just terrible.  Every time I would give her a dose of meds the rash would spread.  I called the doctor thinking it was an allergic reaction.  Unfortunately our doctor wasn't there and the only one was the doctor I had a lot of previous issues with.  I had them send her a message asking, but when the rash kept getting worse I called back wanting her seen.  The doctor had just sent a note back saying that it was probably Hand, Foot and Mouth, not a reaction, because it can spread to more than just your Hands, Feet and Mouth.  I said that I really thought she needed to be seen and to send another note back.  The doc then came back with it's probably just the disease because she had Cephalexin in May for Cellulitis and not a reaction to the meds but to hold the meds anyways since her 24 hour culture was negative.  Because, you know, it's not a reaction.  Well.  This is a picture of her Monday afternoon.  I gave her the last dose of meds at noon...

and this is her Tuesday morning.
Yeah.  Probably not an allergic reaction or anything.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A's First Fishing Trip

My mom called last night and wondered if Adelyn and I wanted to escape the loony bin HFM sick-house to go fishing with my dad.  I couldn't have been more grateful for a reason to leave.  When I told Adelyn this morning that we were going to go fishing with Papa she said "Oohh!  I want to catch them and play with them and eat them!"  I was a bit surprised that she correlated catching fish and eating them but I told her that she would have to tell Papa.  We left later this afternoon and didn't get back until 9:15!  We had a blast.  We caught about 12 (decent sized) perch.  There were plenty more that we threw back-something that upset Adelyn every time.  She wanted to keep them all.  We told her we only kept Mommy and Daddy fish-we threw baby fish back.  We kept her busy getting minnows, opening the live-well and reeling the fish in.  She didn't want to hold them because she was afraid of the fins but she finally started playing with them when we were going through the channel.  There were some nice dead ones in the live-well that she kept picking up.  She said "Oohh look!  This one is trying to swim upside down."  Mmhmm, honey.  Whatever you say.  

Concentrating really hard on reeling in a big one!

               Adelyn's first catch!                                                                   A two-for-one special!
Eww!  "I don't want to touch it Papa!"

 Papa and Adelyn.  Expert fishermen.

             Giving the fishy kisses.                                                                    Catching the fishies.

Look Daddy!  I caught a big fish!

The leftover minnows are in our kiddie pool.  Hopefully they aren't all dead by morning.

My mom asked her what her favorite part was and she said "eating my samwich."  Only my child would think about food all.the.time.  Her sandwich was a pesto-turkey sandwich.  Something I wouldn't have touched when I was her age but was, apparently, her favorite part of fishing. She told me when we got inside AND when we went to bed that she "had a really fun time fishing with you and Papa tonight."  So sweet and so much fun!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Danger, Danger!  I know, I know, we are horrible parents.  Don't report us to CPS but our children sleep with blankets.  Sometimes they sleep with blankets over their heads.  *GASP*  Brecken's the worst about his blanket on/by his head.  When we put him down at night, he rolls to his belly and the blanket has to be touching his ears.  Adelyn, usually, stuffs hers by her face and Joelle, usually, sleeps on top of hers.  

I went in one morning, a week or so ago, and found Jojo like this::
So I had to run get my camera for documentation of our neglect ;)

We have been having serious issues with Adelyn and her sleeping.  She has slept 12 hours since she was 7/9 weeks old and now it's about 8 hours.  We have had a child safety lock on the inside of her door since we transitioned her to a regular bed and, with it on, she would stay in there until 7/8.  She started waking up at 6 consistently, with it on, so I just took it off because sometimes she has to go to the bathroom.  Heaven forbid I discourage using the toilet.  When we took it off she started having issues going to sleep at night, like not going to sleep until 10/10:30 AND we would wake up in the middle of the night to discover her sleeping with us.  I'm sorry but that doesn't fly in my book.  My mom has been telling me for some time to stop naps with her but I'm not ready too.  I finally decided to try when she started waking up at 5:30.  The first day went great.  She didn't take a nap.  She stayed upstairs, for the most part, for an hour and a half, playing.  She went to bed around 7:45 and slept until 6:45.  A serious improvement.  The next day she was super whiny for rest time and after an hour and a half I told her she could come downstairs and sit by me while I finished a couple phone calls.  She was watching cartoons and fell asleep.  IRRITATING.  I let her sleep for half an hour and woke her up.  I talked to her for a couple minutes and then I went to the bathroom.  When I came back this is what I found::
I sent my mom a picture and told her what happened.  I added roar at the end of my text because I was so frustrated.  My mom's text back "Did you really roar at her to wake her up?"  Bahahahahaha.  No.  But I wish I did.
Some day we will sleep again.  When we are dead.  As my wise mother says "We won't be sleeping then, either."  Humph.

Monday, June 18, 2012

B and J::18 months

I'm not to sad about 18 months.  It hasn't really phased me that that they are a year and a half.  Probably because we have been too busy ;)  They are super (SUPER) busy little people and keep me on the run all the time.  

-you weigh 26lbs 2ozs-less than it should be due to a bout of diarrhea, 50th percentile
-you are 32.5in tall, 50th percentile
-your head is just less than the 90th percentile
-i got out your 24month/2T clothes but kept some of your 18 month stuff out because it still fits great.
-you wear size 5/6 shoes.
-you get your paci only when you sleep.
-you have 9 teeth (only 1 molar)
-you love to eat.  You can seriously pack it away.  It's rather impressive.  You eat everything.  You love carbs and fruit but you eat just as many veggies.
-you are an excellent sleeper.  You go to sleep between 7:30/8 and usually wake up around 9.
-you still take a 2-3 hour nap every day.
-you are such a boy.  I never believed that line.  I do now.  You bang whatever toy you have in your hand on something.  You are constantly wrestling everything.  You never walk, you run.  You throw everything; food, toys, yourself.  
-you are zero to sixty.  Happy or mad.  You are rarely sad.  You just get mad.
-you love to read.
-you are OBSESSED with rubbing the corners of your blankies.  When we sit down to read before bed you have to have a corner to rub and when we are in the car you love to hold your blankie.
 -you don't talk a lot (the doc says you are doing great) but you are starting to repeat words more and more.  you say go, dog, hot, peas (please), eyes, you can roar, owie, ball, mommy, dada, kota, belly (for belly button), look it, nana, tickle tickle tickle
-you can open the doors
-you love to give me hugs.  Sometimes you'll be playing and you'll just walk up to me and want me to pick you up and hug you.  So cute.

Doesn't he just look like a long lanky TODDLER in this picture?!  Makes me sad.

Adelyn at 18 months...look at the FOUR teeth.  Cracks me up.

One lone tear by her eye.  B had just used her arm as a chew toy.  Teething.  Sigh.

-you weigh 27lbs 2ozs, 75th percentile
-you are 33.5in tall, 90-95th percentile
-your head is in the 90th-95th percentile
-you were 24mo/2T clothes
-you wear a size 5/6 shoe
 -you have 15 teeth (all of your molars and 3 of your eye teeth).  So crazy that you are one tooth away from having the same amount as Adelyn.  At the rate you are going you will get your 2 year molars before she does.
-much to your disappointment you only get your paci when you sleep.  Any time we see a baby you try to steal their's.
-you are our best eater.  if that's even possible with 3 good eaters.  you LOVE to eat.
-you are a good sleeper.  you go down around 7:30/8 and usually wake up around 9.  you can take a while to go to sleep sometimes.  you just lay in there or talk quietly.
-you love to play with babies.  you typically pick Adelyn's baby to play with and that creates a scene..  you love to kiss them and pat them on the back.
-you are the least daring individual I know.
-you hate being dirty.  if you get something on your hands that you don't want there you freak out.  at the beach you don't like the sand at first.
-you love playing with Adelyn and Brecken..when they are nice to you.  you also love to play by yourself.
-you don't talk a lot (even less than B) but the doc says you are right on track. you are starting to mimic a lot and you think it's so funny when we ask you to say something.  you can say hot, eyes, dog, mama, dada, yes, kota.
-whenever we ask you something you shake your head yes or no and you know exactly what you want.
-you are so SO sassy.  if anyone takes anything from you, you squawk so loudly.  you also (still) make the funniest monster noises.
-you love to give kisses. When you give a kiss you smack your lips really loudly.
-you are such a HUGE helper.  The stuff you do at this age amazes me-I can't wait until you are older ;)  You always have to pick everything up.
-you love to read.  Adelyn will read you books sometimes and you think it's the best.
-you love to cuddle.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Kaleb's 1!!!

How can Kaleb be ONE already?!  Sigh.  They grow to fast.  Our friends, Eric and Rachael, like to have their children (almost) exactly 6 months after we have ours.  Kaylee was born 6 months after Adelyn and Kaleb was born 6 months after Brecken and Joelle.  They missed the memo that you are supposed to have twins the 2nd time though ;)  We went out to their new house on Saturday for his party and had a blast!  It was supposed to be a pool/water party but rain and thunder interrupted for about an hour.  It was nice when we first got there, rained while we ate and then we got to go outside again for cake and presents.  I guess you can't complain about that!

My pretty little lady showing off her muscles chub ;)

Momma Rachael and her birthday boy :)

::Thought bubble:: "Why are there 14892 voices obnoxiously singing Happy Birthday to me?"

 Birthday boy digging into his cake.  He thought it was delicious...and wanted more!
Kaylee and Brecken enjoying their cake...Kaylee was lucky B didn't eat hers too!

Griffin, Chloe and Adelyn eating cake

Kaleb opening presents.  It's true..we got him that pretty sweet truck.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Beach with Auntie Rachie!

My sister texted me the other day and asked what we had going Friday.  I said "Nothing! Want to go to the beach?"  She loves the beach so off we went.  There's one thing everyone should understand about my sister::she HATES being dirty.  Hates it.  When we went to the beach as a family, when I was younger, she never got dirty.  Ever.  That's where Joelle gets it from ;)  I knew she was going to be dirtier than she normally was, she's going with three toddlers, but I figured she knew that.  The weather was perfect, not to hot, and the water was calm so the kids Adelyn and Brecken went in.  It was still freezing (59) but once you get numb it's fine.

Pretty little lady digging in the sand.

Mr. B checking out the water.

Pretty little Jojo.  This is as close as she gets to the water ;)

Auntie Rach and Adelyn and their shades.  Love this picture.

As we were walking back to the car Rachel said to me "that was the dirtiest I have ever been."  I laughed and asked her what she expected ;)  ...When she told my mom we were going to the beach my mom asked .her if she understood she was going to get sandy.  Haha.
We heart the beach.  We will be making numerous trips there this summer :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Neapolitan Rice Krispy Treats

I came across this recipe on Pinterest and thought it looked so fun to do with Adelyn.  I made a few changes because I'm cheap and didn't want to buy extra things.  It calls for Cocoa Krispies for the chocolate layer and instead of spending $4 for a box of cereal that no one would eat the rest of I just added some cocoa powder to the marshmallow mixture.  I only had half a bag of strawberry marshmallows left so I made up the difference with regular marshmallows and added a couple drops of red food coloring.  Adelyn had so much and we all love Rice Krispies so it was a win win :)

       Adelyn mixing the pink layer                                                      Showing off the finished product!
We took our treats outside so the super sticky mess would be contained to out there.  I'm smart like that.

 Mr. B wasn't so sure about the rice krispies.  Then he took a real bite and discovered there was sugar in it.

Jojo loved hers!

They were so good!  So good that I ended up sending the leftovers with Eric to work because I was eating to many.  Definitely one for the recipe box.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Critter Barn

We went to the Critter Barn with play group today.  It was a lot of fun..but I probably won't be going (by myself) again this year.  I took our double umbrella stroller and it was a joke trying to get around.  They have practically all gravel or sand on the grounds and trying to push an umbrella stroller through that?  What a joke.  When we were in the sheep pen B and J were out of the stroller and B sampled a piece of sheep poo-just to set the record straight he didn't actually eat it, he just put it in his mouth (still just as gross).  It is suspect for making him sick.  There was all kinds of poo all over our sandals when we were done.  Note to self::wear tennis shoes when going to the Critter Barn.  Brecken also likes to do things his way or the highway and when he doesn't get his way (for example::walking all the time) he makes his presence *loudly* known.  That makes it hard since I can't let him walk in poo by himself and I can't exactly walk away from the other two to make him happy.

Checking out the goats  She LOVES to hold baby chicks.

 Sophia Grace::Take note of the those big                                   Kaylee Grace::This little girl is soooo funny.
          beautiful blue eyes.  So pretty.                                             She cracks me up every time I see her :)

 B and Jojo checking out the baby chicks.

Joelle was so excited to check out the sheep.  She headed over and then the sheep starting coming towards her.  Her bravery quickly receded.

Swinging on the sheep feed bag.

Playing ring-around-the-rosy.  Brecken is supervising.

We definitely had fun...but it's not something I would choose to do by myself again..until next year when people listen to me and don't sample sheep feces.