Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Funday

The kids and I started the morning at the little playground right by our hotel.  Eric was showering and I was letting the kids get some energy out.  Let me tell you a little something about NC.  The bugs are GIGANTIC.  Like killer bugs.  They also have loads of beautiful butterflies.  Negative, positive.  The flies are beyond amazing...or rather, disgusting.  One got in our car at Pilot Mountain and I was trying really hard not to FLIP OUT.
I captured a picture of this one, with my cell phone, on the slide, at the playground.  I showed Eric and he informed me it was not all that impressive on camera because it's not next to anything comparative.  So then I zoomed in on my phone and said how was that?!  So that's what I did here.  No, this is not some kind of moth which you might THINK it is given the detail on the wings.  It is, in fact, a fly.  SICK.  I do not remember the bugs last time but it was end of March.  So they were probably still all dead.

I had the girls sit on the branches of this beautiful tree.  Adelyn, once again, almost pooped her pants when I put her up there.  As you can see, she's thrilled.  But I think it's pretty cute :)

After Eric showered we headed to Walmart to pick up our groceries.  When we decided we were coming down I promptly informed Josh I was not going out to eat all the time.  I would cook at his place.  We brought our groceries to Josh's and I stayed there.  Eric took the kids back to the base for lunch and a nap.  I cooked allll afternoon so I wouldn't have to cook the rest of the week.  Josh picked the menu::Roast, Chicken and Stuffing, Mac and Cheese, Lasagna, Ribs and Enchiladas.  I brought a lot of meat from home because we had extra room in the cooler and buying meat is expensive.  I froze the Enchiladas in case we don't use them.

Josh and Jojo chilling on the couch.

Josh has a room mate named Josh as well.  The kids think he's loads of fun.  They promptly dubbed him "Udder (other) Unca Josh" or "Two Unca Josh" with the real Unca Josh being "First Unca Josh."  He eats supper with us and has done a couple things with us.  He was throwing the kids around and holding their hands and carrying them now he's stuck with them too ;)  They are always asking where he is and if he's going to do stuff with us too.

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