Thursday, September 5, 2013

Josh’s Birfenday

Josh's birthday is next week Monday (the 16th) and I decided we should celebrate while we were here.  I'm not sure when the last time was that we were together for his (almost) birthday.  We decided to celebrate Thursday night because other Josh was leaving Friday.  Josh requested the ribs and chocolate eclair for his birthday meal.

I told him that we were all going to gather around and sing (loudly) to him.  He looks so thrilled.  He requested blue and yellow candles and Adelyn put them in. Joelle wanted one pink one.  So we put that in, off to the side.

Josh and Adelyn blowing out the candles.

I asked him when the last time was that someone made him a birthday cake and sang to him.  He said "Actually, last year.  When you sent me that cake, icing and candles when I was on the boat."  I said "Ohhhhh so you did use them!"  He had never told us that..   Quite a few people told me I was ridiculous for sending him that stuff when he was stranded on a boat with no kitchen to himself.  I said he would find a way to make it if he really wanted it.  Josh told me he just asked the cook nicely and she made it for him.  So I'm glad I sent it:)

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