Monday, September 30, 2013

Country Livin'... the city.  Someonepleasebuymeafarm.  After Adelyn took a nap we headed outside to dig up potatoes.  First off, this is a bumper crop of potatoes.  I haven't planted potatoes in 2 years.  Last year I got enough to add to one pot of chicken soup.  This year=bumper crop.  I started digging with my pitchfork and Adelyn was supposed to pick out the potatoes.  Then I dug up a worm.  Adelyn was through with the potatoes.  She was on a worm hunt.  And made worm pie.  And promptly declared them her friends.  I had to get her a small bucket of dirt because her worms were looking a little dried out from all the sand.  Yes, they were still living, just looking dry.  I was on the phone with my sister while Adelyn was making her pie.  Adelyn told me I need to tell Auntie.  So I did.  Then Adelyn said she would save a piece for Auntie.  I told Adelyn Auntie couldn't wait.
That was our excitement of the day.  A potato dig and worm pie.  I'd say they go hand in hand.

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