Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Outside Painting and Melons

The kids have been begging (and begging) to paint.  We do watercolor stuff inside.  This kind of painting is reserved for outdoor use only.  I have terrible visions of someone escaping their chair and running around the house painting the walls.  So outside we went.  I gave them apple halves, sticks and leaves from the yard and they went to town.

This is my butternut squash plant.  I had this vine growing out of my compost pile and I didn't know what it was for the longest time.  It got flowers but never any fruit/veggies.  I started ripping it out where it was growing in the yard and patiently waited for something to come.  Then came the butternut squash.  Then I was mad at myself for ripping it out.  Butternut squash is one of our FAVORITE vegetables.  Since it was growing out of my compost pile it was a monstrous plant.
One of the leaves::


A picture of our homegrown watermelon.  The girls really wanted watermelon plants so I laid down some black plastic, we planted them and prayed for the best.  Once again, I didn't get actual watermelons for the longest time.  We ended up with 4.  Here's out first one.  Eric stuck the knife in, to cut it, and it just fell apart.  It was DEEE-LICIOUS.

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