Saturday, September 7, 2013

Parks and Planes

We went out for breakfast this morning with Uncle Josh.  After that we headed to a park right by his house that I had spotted.  It was a pretty sweet one.  They had a wooden plane and a huge jungle gym.

Josh and B.

Pretty girls climbing through the tubes
429 431

 Handsome little man

Loving all the twisty ladders

Getting daring in her old age

I wanted to grab some pictures with Uncle Josh.  So we headed over to the shade.  And found this.

I got lots (read it: lots) of pictures.  If the kids weren't making funny faces, Josh was.  Like this one.


The only two halfway decent pictures.

Then I tried to get a picture of the three kids.  Ha. Ha. Ha.  Adelyn looks the same size as Joelle.  Brecken's thought bubble reads "Oh brother.  Not again."

The ONLY semi decent one.

"Make a crazy face!"  They got the memo.

I wanted to get some cute ones with the kiddos.  These turned out great:)

B was pretty dis-interested.  But this one is good.

I told Eric I wanted to try and get a couple of him with the kids.  Of course they would behave the best for him.

Seriously.  Oh well.  He deserves a cute picture now and again ;)

After the park we headed back on base to go the food commissary.  Cheap food.  Yes please.  Right after that we headed to the movie theater on base to catch Planes.  It was Brecken and Joelle's first movie.  They all loved it.  Clearly Joelle thought it was amazing.  There is a slight trend with Joelle falling asleep when we do things...  Please notice the drool.

She slept through the last half of the movie.  And Brecken walking back and forth 19 times to throw one piece of trash away at a time.  And he got up to pee 3 times.  Then I waited with her until they kicked me out so they could clean up for the next showing.  Then she woke up and was a bear.

Another fun day with our Unca Josh.  The kids keep asking to watch Planes again.  Not understanding that it's still in theaters..sigh.

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