We went to our favorite pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins this fall. They had a buy 2 get the 3rd free special. And it was unlimited. Score. We went the last night and whatever Joelle ate did NOT sit well with her. She was complaining about her tummy hurting all night. Poor baby. Here she is tromping through the weeds.
Sometimes I really HATE blogger code. Over and out. I'm sure no one gets it but I can't even tell you how many times I put these pictures in and out.
We had each of them try to pick up their pumpkins and carry them. In the first one Brecken is saying "I caaaaaaaaaan't" The second he looks like he just pooped out a pumpkin.
This is my he-man daughter. She is, seriously, so strong. Always has been. Go Jojo!
Adelyn wasn't about to be out-done ;)

Daddy picked out his monster pumpkin. Don't let him fool you. He had a HUGE pumpkin picked out. Carried it to the sled. Looked at it again. Calculated the price in his head and put it back. He exchanged it for this one;)
All my loves in 2 pictures. They are the cutest. Brecken and Joelle think they are pretty hot stuff that they get to ride in the sled and Adelyn loved pulling.
Fun little plug for Fun Pumpkins...for next year. We love going there. They are super flexible, very reasonable and have a lot to pick from!
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