Friday, September 27, 2013

Fitz Funnies

Me: Mommy’s pooped.
J: You gotta use toilet?

Eric had something in his eye and was trying to get it out.  Adelyn said to him “Maybe your eye is getting pink.”  Then she said “Maybe Curious George is in it.”  Eric said “What?!  I don’t even get it.”  I was giggling in the background.  Clearly Eric has never seen the Curious George episode about germs.  George shrinks and travels up the Man with the Yellow Hat’s nose and sees all the germs.  After I explained, he thought it was funny.

My disgruntled, misbehaving children's response to my resounding "No" per their juice request::
Adelyn::I got an idea! Let's steal her coffee!
Brecken::I will drink all your coppee, Mom! I will!
Joelle::Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh Please put some in little cup! Please I drink your coppee! Waaaaahhhhhh

Brecken and Joelle were playing and Adelyn asked me if they were “wrestle-housing.”

B and J were cuddling in my bed and I hear B sniffing.
B::What’s that smell?
J:: Smells like Mommy. (Awwww)
B:: Noooo.  Smells like poop!  

Eric bought the kids a bag of chips while I was gone this weekend.  Adelyn loooooooooooves treats.  She said to Eric “Don’t let Mommy eat all these when she gets home.”  Thanks.  Thanks a lot.

We were driving home and I had a heavy box on the passenger seat.  I hear Adelyn gasp back in her car seat and she says “The light is blinking!”  
Me: What?
A: The little red light is blinking! All the children’s don’t have their buckles on!  They are going to get hurt if we crash!
Me: Ohhhhh.  Hahahahaha!

Adelyn was sneezing when she woke up and she said “Oh no.  The bless you’s are back.”

I was encouraging Brecken to eat by telling him Joelle ate it all.  Eric said “The garbage disposal rejects more than Joelle.”

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