Monday, September 2, 2013

Big Plane Day!!!

I texted my brother in the morning and said "Wake up.  We want to go to the MCX."  Because I am his wake up call every day.  And the MCX is amazing.  All tax free stuff.  It's usually cheaper too.  They have a grocery section but it is closed on Monday's.  While we were at the MCX, blowing loads of money, Josh mentioned he had to check out for leave and he wanted to take us to see the planes.  Woot, woot!  I had been meaning to ask him if we could but hadn't yet.  It was something we did last time we came but Adelyn was 8 weeks old.  Brecken has been whinnnnnnnning terribly about the planes.  Since it was Labor Day weekend nothing was taking off and landing so it was really quiet in the plane department.  When he found out we got to go see them he was thrilled.

Josh's plane.  Apparently he got his name put on a plane about a year ago.  And he forgot to tell us.

Nobody would look at me.  This is the best I got.

A bigger view of Josh's plane.  It's all tore apart right now.  Every "x" amount of miles (I forgot the "x") they tear everything apart and make sure it's working right.

We went out onto the airstrip after to look at all the planes out there.  On the way out we passed some things on the ground.
Me to Josh: "Are those live rounds?" (Because things like that exist on a military base)
Josh: "Those are external fuel tanks."
Me: "Oh."  I guess they could be considered live rounds...don't poke fun.

The show Harrier.  This is the one that flies in air shows etc.

Brecken had been asking (and asking) to go on a plane ride.  We had been telling him no...because that is, quite obviously, not an option.  Josh opened up the cock pit of the show plane and B got his plane "ride."

Joelle's turn.  Then Josh shut the cockpit.  I'm not so sure how Joelle felt... ;)
052 054

This is how B felt when he had to get out....and other people got to get in.  Ha.  He "wanted nother ride."

Adelyn's turn.  She had to be convinced to go up.  She saw how I was lifting everyone up and was NOT a fan.  But she did go up.

After we were done with the airplanes we went for a car ride for a little nap.  After that we headed to Uncle Josh's for supper.  We had chicken and stuffing and apple crisp.  While everything was cooking we were hanging out and Joelle got mad about something.  She had her cup and whipped it across the room.  It hit the very top of my brother's massive flat screen TV and flew off.  The look on the two Josh's faces was priceless.  Luckily it didn't break anything and you better believe Joelle found herself in a time out.  Then, after supper, Brecken was spinning in the living room.  Not even being "too" crazy and fell.  He fell on the bottom level of Josh's coffee table and broke it right off.  Josh thinks he's going to fix it.  I told him he better wait until we are gone.  Luckily those things have been the extent of our damage...but they had to happen in the same day.

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