Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Atlantic Beach

This is a common sight in our hotel room.  Coloring (somewhat) happily on the couch. 

We headed to Atlantic Beach today.  It's about 30 minutes away.  It was the kids first time IN the ocean.  We took Adelyn, when I went before, but it was too cold to do anything but get a picture.

A horseshoe crab.  We walked along the beach and there were quite a few of them washed up on shore.

Uncle Josh had some things to do at work and joined us at the beach a little later.  Adelyn has seen Josh in his swimming suit many times before.  Today was the first time she noticed his tattoos.  He walked up and she said "Uncle Josh, why did you color all over yourself?!"  Hahahaha.  He said he fell asleep with a marker.

Infatuated with the ocean.  They all loved it.  Brecken thought the saltwater was "nummy" and wouldn't stop licking it.  None of them liked it in their eyes, though.  Adelyn said her eyes were "souring."



Swinging people around.  They loooooooved being flung around.


Pretty toes in the ocean.  Per Eric "The obligatory feet picture."

Twinkle toes and Momma.

Such a handsome little man.

If you look suuuuuuuuuper closely you can see the Marines doing water drills.  On the far left is a boat.  The far right is a plane called a Pedro.  The black spot slightly to the left of the plane is another boat.

We parked by the water tower farthest in the background.  And walked all the way to the pier.

We walked on the boardwalk and had to get a few pictures with Uncle Josh.  This one turned out pretty cute.  No ones crying ;)

I looooooooooooooove the ocean.  It has been FAR to long since I've been able to swim in it.  Eric tells me I'm crazy.  I would move here in a heartbeat.  But it's way to freaking hot.

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