Tuesday, September 3, 2013

NC Aquarium::Pine Knoll Shores

We headed to the Aquarium today.  These cuties were pretty excited.  It was supposed to rain...alas, it did not.  Until later.  And we got drenched.  And then drenched again.
I didn't notice until after I took the picture but the lens was fogged up.  Hence the first foggy picture.  They were throwing pennies in.


They had some sea turtles out front for the kids to climb on.

My biggest cutie.

Twinkie cuties.

Right when we walked in, this lady walked up and offered to let us feed the fish.  Of course we accepted!  She told us all about them, first, and Adelyn wanted to walk away.

Jojo and Brecken feeding them.  When Jojo threw the food in they got all excited and were jumping around.  They ended up splashing her ;)

They had a mock fish aquarium that the kids could walk on.  They didn't want to at first.  But, in this picture, they are "catching" them and bringing them to Daddy.

The otters were pretty sweet!  They had three of them in a tank and they were very lively.  They were Joelle's favorite.

Two otters.

It looks like this otter is kissing Joelle;)


Checking out the turtle exhibit.

Sting Rays.  The kids never, on purpose, touched them.  But they swam up to both Adelyn and Joelle and the girls ended up touching them.

Adelyn thought it was pretty cool we could pick up the Hermit Crabs.  I gave her an empty shell.  I knew the chaos that would ensue if I had given her one with a real crab in it.

(Suddenly) fearless Joelle just plunked her hand in and touched these large crabs.

We watched the snake demonstration.  All the kids got to help with it.  Adelyn "became" a snake with her props and Brecken and Joelle are showing us what non-venomous (J) and venomous (B) eyes look like.

Massive Sea Turtle.

Adelyn's angry face because she couldn't eat her snack right NOW.

Josh took B and J in the Hurricane Simulator.  Look at J's pony tail.

Joelle started screaming.  Brecken started leaving.


When we got back I took the kids to the room for a napper.  Eric and Josh went golfing.
I had Adelyn sleep on the couch because there was no way she would sleep as long as B and J.  I was sitting right next to her on the chair.  She huffed and puffed and sighed at me once.  I, very politely, told her if she didn't take a nap she would stay back with Daddy tonight.  The next time I looked over this is what I saw..

This was Eric's view at the golf course..

I went to the Food Lion after the kids woke up.  I died and went to heaven.  A cart that holds all three kids.  Without being a Costco monstrosity.  They thought it was pretty cool too.  And then it started pouring while we were in the Food Lion.  And it didn't stop.  So we made a run for it.  And got soaked.

 This is a picture of Josh high-powering a Harrier.  He has to chain it down to the runway....and then "fly" it.  He has to make sure everything is running properly at full throttle.  Eric got to go with to watch.  We didn't let the kids go because it is so loud it feels like your insides are jiggling.

So Eric had a pretty fun day...and did we:)

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