Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Just so everyone knows what I have to go through to get a decent picture.  And sometimes they aren't all that decent.  I'm sure, if you have children, you can relate.

Thanks Eric.. ;)

My poor dad..  First B threw his head back and hit my dad with his (extra large) noggin, right in the throat.  Then he gets Joelle...

This is my profile picture (aka: the best one).  That's not saying much.

My mom and I successfully ruined this one..

Those two...

Oh B...he has the best cheesy smiles.

Joelle trying to mom was onto that one.  Adelyn being angry.

Missing one..and I think this was right before my dad got whacked in the goiter.

Like I said earlier...Oh B.

I, seriously, have about 30-40 pictures of Adelyn looking sullen and angry.  Finally I said I was just going to take pictures of Brecken and Joelle.  She decided to perk up ;)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Our Christmas

We started our Christmas morning out right.  Egg casserole, bacon, homemade cinnamon rolls and MIMOSAS.  For the adults.  Not the children.  Yum.
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Then we moved on to opening presents.  Adelyn's stocking.  She has been begging, and begging, for Tinkerbell underwear.
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 Mr. B.  Loving his tractor.  And FINALLY some boy sunglasses.
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 Pretty Jojo with a bath tub squirter and a new baby!  That girl loves her some baby dolls.
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 Their big gift this year is a train table.  Wrapping it was Eric's job.  I'd say he did a pretty impressive job :)
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Waiting patiently...
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 SURPRISE!!!  Hours and hours of entertainment.
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 Since it was warm out Adelyn and I went out and rode her new bike.  She was so excited to have a spot for her baby doll.  She LOVES her new bike.  And it actually is big enough for her ;)
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Monday, December 24, 2012

Papa & Nana Christmas

We celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve at my parents.  When my mom and I talked about what to eat a while ago I was throwing out easy ideas.  My mom said "Nooo I want to do something fancier this year."  So I said friends of ours do Prime Rib for Christmas.  That sealed the deal.  I have never had a better meal. It was so yummy.  We all ate WAY more than our fair share.  I made twice baked potatoes and Silk Pie for dessert.  We had rolls and salad as well. 
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Three little cuties in front of a (real) Christmas tree.   So sad that we can't have them but Adelyn is most definitely, very, allergic to them.
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Brecken thought he was "hiding."  I thought it was adorable so I had to get a picture :)
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Handsome dude
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She was SOOOO excited that she got "some princess stuff" for Christmas.  She walks around with these wings on all.the.time.
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Ooohhh bikes!  Poor Jojo..I felt a bit bad for her but the girl is not coordinated in the slightest and she does have Adelyn's old bike to use...if she ever decides she wants to learn how to ride a bike.
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Oh my word.  He was so excited.  He can not WAIT to get outside and try and figure it out.
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Adelyn was ecstatic that she got a bike with a seat for her baby.  Side rant::I HATE princess stuff.  For many reasons.  I didn't want to get this for her but Eric said "you know she's going to love it."  Which is funny because I'm usually the one that is like "oohh but she would love it."  Haha.
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 Me with some GLASS tupperware.  Yay!!
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 Everybody pitched in on a charcoal grill for my dad.  He has always wanted one but every time we bring it up he says "Nooo my grill outside is fine."  Which is ridiculous because he has fixed it and rigged it up soo many times.  So we got him one for Christmas :)
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Stockings!  My favorite part.
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These are the best ones.  No joke.
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I love Christmas.  So much fun.  It's always a crazy busy time for us but the kids love it.  And I love watching them.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Rogalske Christmas/B & J's Birthday

We celebrated Christmas with my Dad's side on the Sunday before Christmas.  I just realized I never got pictures of the kids with my grandparents.  So bummed.  I guess I can't get them every time..  There is always LOTS of yummy food.  And we always eat too much.  Again ;)

Cuties opening presents.
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Dress-up princess stuff!
december 01 272  These are a huge hit.  Everyone loves playing with them!
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I didn't even know my uncle snapped this with his phone until he emailed it to me.  But I love it.  Such a cute picture of Brecken and his Nana.

Since Brecken and Joelle got hosed for their birthday, and we didn't have a party, my Grandma asked if we could celebrate on Christmas.  I decided I should get my act together and make them a cake.  Success :) :)  They were super easy cakes but still time consuming.  Their faces are always priceless when they see them, though!
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Admiring their works of art.
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They wanted to take the candles out and Brecken actually touched one while it was still lit.  I didn't freak out, so he didn't, but there were lots of gasps around the room ;)  I (quickly!) told him to eat a piece of candy off his cake.  My candy loving man decided that was a good idea.
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I think this is so cute.  He was licking the frosting out of the scoop.
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And Joelle was busted eating marshmallows off the cake.  Because she doesn't like candy.
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Digging in.
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So glad we did decide to do their birthday.  Everybody got a kick out of their cakes and I'm sure Brecken and Joelle loved it.  Christmas was a fantastic time, per usual.  Holidays, can be, fun :)