Sunday, December 11, 2011


It FINALLY has snowed enough that some stuck to the ground!  It's actually stuck around for a couple days too.  Adelyn has been begging and begging to go outside and "make a snowman."  I can't take B and J outside because they have runny noses and it's dark when Eric gets we haven't been able to go yet.  I finally took her out this morning and she was sooo excited!  A couple weeks ago she was talking while we were eating breakfast and she said to me "we go outside and I make a snowman?  Gotta put my hat on, my coat on and my thumbs on."  I said "put your hat, coat and what on?!"  She says "my thumbs!"  I said "gloves?"  She says "yeah, thumbs!"  Hahahaha.  Makes me laugh every time she says it.  So, so cute!

Adelyn's snow pants are 18 month snow pants.  Mildly hilarious considering her coat is a 4/5T.  Pretty sure I should probably spring for a new pair.. but her boots reach the top of her pants so you couldn't reealllly tell ;)

She just loved pulling her baby sled all over the yard!

Snow angels!  Adelyn made one and then trampled all over it ;)

We also got the sand toys out and used those.  We went in the back and made "snow castles" too!
Side note:  Those bushes in the back ground.  Yeah, I will be going Freddie Krueger on them in the spring.  They are taking over our house.

We had so much fun outside.  Poor B and J.  Every once in a while we would see their little eyes peek out of the window (they are just tall enough to see out.  You see the top of their head and two eyes.)  Next year we can all have a blast outside!

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