Monday, December 26, 2011

The Last Christmas

I wanted to put a few pictures up of our last Christmas.  We went to my dad's parents house the day after Christmas to celebrate with them.  
 Daddy looks so thrilled  ;)

Auntie Rach (who is now, according to Adelyn, Auntie Rachie Galske (last name Rogalske)) and Jojo.  I think Jojo looks like Eric AND Auntie Rach.

My grandparents, the kids great grandparents.  Pardon the jammies.  Pictures have been crazy for me this year.  I go into an event knowing what I want to take pictures of and then I get somewhere and with the reality of wrangling 3 kids I forget.  I have no pictures of them in Christmas outfits under the tree.  No pictures of them in Christmas outfits with Eric and I..and pictures of them with jammies on with my grandparents.  Such is life, right?!

Mommy and Daddy have to get in on a couple of posed photos!

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