Friday, December 16, 2011

B and J::1 Year Pictures.

Tammi at more than words photography took their 1 year pictures.  Love her.  So patient and understanding.  Something about having 4 kids ;)  I just love how they turned out.  So glad we have these pictures of our babies.

Handsome man.  LOVE this picture.

You can totally see his stinker face here.  He's like "I'm not supposed to get off the box?  Ok.  I will get off."

Pretty lady.

So. So. Cute.

Love baby girls in pearls.

As newborns in the sleigh.. to the sleigh.  Brecken is half a pound away from quadrupling his size.  In a year.

Cute lil baby buns.

B bumming.  When that boy is mad, he is MAD.

Happy girl.

Cute baby butt.

"Hmm.  What's this?!?!"

Look at Joelle's face.  Blech!

"If I can try some of yours.. can try some of mine."  Ha!

He was mad about something.  So he laid on his cake and cried.

..and this is after ;)

The aftermath.  J on the left, B on the right.  Notice the flat cake? ;)

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