My babies are a year. So much to say. My life has changed so much. I never thought I would get pregnant with twins. Never. I never thought I would have to be induced to give birth to them. I never thought I would give birth to them WITHOUT an epidural. I never thought they would both be over 6lbs. I never thought taking care of them would be so easy (don't let me fool you. it wasn't easy. just easier than I was expecting ;) ). I never thought two kids who shared the same womb, at the same time, could be so different. I never thought I would have 3 kids in 22 months. I never thought I would be so fortunate to stay home with my kids. I never thought my husband would be soo incredibly supportive in raising our kids. I never thought he would be so helpful in raising our kids. I never thought I could be so torn as to which baby to pick up first. I never thought I could love two (really three, if including Adelyn) people so much!!!
-you weigh 22lbs 8ozs, 50th percentile
-you are 30 1/4in tall, 50th-75th percentile
-your head is in the 75th percentile..slowing down a bit ;)
-you still nurse twice a day
-you eat 3 meals a day and 1 snack. I finished up the last tub of baby food a couple weeks ago and you have been on real food ever since.
-you wear 12-18month clothes and some 18month clothes
-size 3 shoe
-size 4 diaper during the day, size 5 at night.
-size 4 diaper during the day, size 5 at night.
-say momma all the time, dada occasionally
-wave hi/bye
-clap like crazy
-have graduated to running!
-you get into a lot of trouble. you are such a daredevil.
-you LOVE your momma.
-you think Adelyn is hilarious. you don't care at all when she beats you up.
-you are so easygoing but when you are mad, you are MAD.
-you can be so picky. it's not that you don't like something it's just that you want to be difficult.
-you have 5 teeth. 2 more are almost through.
-you climb on everything.
-eating is your favorite past-time.
-are a great sleeper.
-take 1 nap a day. you weren't ready for the transition but Joelle was beyond ready so I made you both do it..sorry B.
-your newest thing is climbing all over Lakota. she hates it.
-hate drinking out of sippy cups but are slloowwwly getting better.
-had bad reactions to lactaid so we were using goats milk. the doctor suggested trying plain milk and we tried it yesterday with zero reactions. hopefully it works!'s just crazy to me that lactaid would cause such a reaction!
-get a 4-5oz bottle of milk at night after i nurse you.(reg. milk and breast-milk)
Adelyn at 1 year. She was 21lbs 11ozs and 30.5in. So our smallest, tallest baby. HA!
-you weigh 23lbs 3ozs, 75th percentile. you have surpassed your brother again. it's all the walking he does.
-you are 30in tall, 75th percentile.
-your head is in the 90th percentile. makes me really nervous that you made such a huge jump but the doctor said unless if it happens again it should be ok..i'm trying not to think about it. and definitely not google-ing it.
-you wear 18month clothes..some 12-18month stuff still fits.
-size 3 shoe
-size 4 diaper during the day and a 5 at night.
-are a sippy cup pro. and you love to drink.
-eat 3 meals and 1 snack a day.
-nurse 2 times.
-get a 4-5oz bottle of milk at night after i nurse you. (reg. milk and breast-milk)
-have been sleeping excellent. hopefully the trend are our sleep hater but i know of lots of babies who are much, much worse.
-take 1 nap a day.
-are on all table food.
-love to clap and wave.
-LOVE to dance. if a song comes on that you like you start bobbing and shaking away. love it.
-you are such a chicken. as much of a daredevil your brother is, you are equally a chicken.
-have taken 1-2 steps. getting closer to actually walking though.
-love to cuddle and be by an adult.
-can be very loud.
-say primarily dada but are starting to say momma. you also say hi in a really high pitch voice and a bit drawn out. so stinkin cute.
-still have just the two teeth but I can officially see your top two as well. you are going to be a slow teether like Adelyn. ugh.
-are getting quite the mullet. I am probably going to cut it soon. you are going to be our short-haired girl for a while.
-you are a tank. you are the only one of my babies who has never (maybe once?) had a reaction to food/drink.
-you love to eat (but have a stop button) and will eat anything.

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