Sunday, December 25, 2011

ChRiStMaS pArTiEs!

We had/have a total of 6 (if you include just us) parties.  5 are done.  We had the Smit side, Eric's parents, play group, my parents, us and tomorrow we have the Rogalske side.  I did get some pictures at each party so here we go!

The SMIT side::

ERIC'S side::

Adelyn has been begging and BEGGING for this.  There were a few weeks in a row where she would look at the Fisher Price magazine daily and ask for the race track.  She was so excited she got it and LOVES it.

"OOHH a baby!"  LOVES it.

OH.MY.WORD. was this group ever CHAOTIC!  We had 15 kids 3 and under here.  Everybody had so much fun and the momma's got to do a baked good exchange too.  The kids traded names and exchanged a small gift and everybody loved what they got..sometimes I think smaller is better ;)  All the kids probably went home and took excellent naps!

Adelyn opening her gift from Chloe


 Left to Right:
Julia, Owen, Sydney, Kaylee
Brecken and Joelle

MY side::
What's Christmas without eating a little wrapping paper?!

Adelyn got all these sets for the dollhouse she opened today.  It was so funny because when she opened them she assumed they were for her "baby bears."  So cute :)

She has the prettiest, bluest eyes.

Nana got a kindle!

"I can't see you!"

Joelle and her mini Kota bear.  She LOVES Lakota.  More than the rest of us..

Daddy looks uber thrilled about his Mega Blocks ;)

Papa and his hunting game for the Wii!
Papa and Nana with the kids..yes, this was the best one.


B's truck.  He loves it.

Joelle's third baby she has received.

Everybody wishes they could wrap presents like this.

"Oh my goodness!  Tank you Mommy and Daddy!"

 We had to try really hard to get her away from this to open her stocking presents.  "Adelyn, want to open your stocking?"  "No, I's fine."  "Adelyn, you still have presents to open" *Cricket. Cricket* "Adelyn, we are going to let Brecken and Jojo open your presents!"  "Ok, that's fine."  "Adelyn, there's a treat in your stocking."  "HUH!?!?"  "There is a treat in your stocking"  "Ok.  I's coming."  That girl.  A treat gets her every time.

B opening his stocking.

Joelle getting into Adelyn's

Brecken loving his book.

Joelle loving her book.  So funny because they aren't really "into" books but they both looked so intently at these books.

Adelyn opening her stocking.

I think Brecken is Christmas'ed out.

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