Saturday, December 17, 2011

B and J::1 year PaRtY!!!

We had Brecken and Joelle's 1 year birthday party today.  It was so much fun!  I couldn't have done it without my Mom and sister.  They helped a lot before the party.  We had their party at our church this year.  With the holiday's I didn't want the stress of 2 parties..and didn't want to have 40+ people in our house for 1 party ;)  It was a great spot to have it.  Rach and I spent about 3 hours getting it ready and child-proofed.  Everybody had lots of fun and didn't eat enough food!  Why, oh why, do I always end up with so many leftovers?!  I planned for less this time and I think I had the most leftovers I have ever had!  Crazy.  I just pawned some off onto other people ;)
 The banner, balloons and ribbon things.  The banner was my nemesis for a couple nights this week..I have to say it looks pretty sweet.


Centerpieces.  Auntie Rach put them all together.

Cake table!

Owl cakes.  So cute!

Presents.  They traded.  Brecken did NOT get a baby for a birthday present.

The helper monkeys started arriving, with Adelyn paving the way ;)

Griffin was telling me about the books he picked out..they are pretty awesome!

Daddy and Jojo checking out a book.  So sweet.

B-man playing King of the Mountain.  He's going to go to the ER a lot next heard it here first.

Loretta taking a turn.

Getting ready for cake!




Blech!  (She actually ended up eating quite a bit)

Love their faces.

Everybody had to get in for a bite =)

Chloe feeding B.  She's lucky she didn't get her finger chomped off.  That boy has some mean chompers.

Nom. Nom. Nom.

She started aggressively hitting the cake at this point..


"Get this mess off my hands!"

"Let me try yours."

Yep.  Jojo did that to his face..

..and then tried to poke his ear.

Messy boy!

He made quite the mess..

The aftermath..Jojo's on the left, B's on the right.
 The LOOT!  (Side note: We have a Christmas party tomorrow.  We are going to have already have way to many toys.



Ball Pit::From Daddy, Mommy and Adelyn.

Basketball hoop.  Daddy is most pumped for this ;)

Thank you so much to our awesome friends and family who shared this special day with us!  My mom took Adelyn for her first overnight trip after the party (yikes, sad, I miss her. <- My thoughts).  B and J were living it up, playing in their toys, by themselves.  I snuggled them extra long tonight.  Tomorrow they will be 1.  I have to start saying my babies are 1 YEAR.  Makes them sound so old..

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